Wednesday 21 May 2008

Arian Sudbury - Baldy's Blog

A few moments ago, I discovered Adrian Sudbury, appearing on a Breakfast News feature on BBC 1.

Adrian is a journalist who, in November 2006, felt a bit rough, and decided to call in sick.

What Adrian didn't realise at the time was that he had developed not one, but two types of leukaemia, running at the same time, which according to medical literature is the only known case of this type of condition. This means that no known prognosis is available for Adrian, and he has recently decided to stop with his treatments.

I can't pass on to you the speed with which seeing this confident, funny, sure footed guy discuss his disease with such dignity has moved me.

Adrian writes a brilliant blog - please, if you do just one thing today, check it out: Here, Baldy shares his experiences of the disease and his treatments. I've added a permanent link to his blog under the 'brown paper bags...' section to the right.

The point is, and this is aimed at myself as much as any one else reading this - if I'm honest, I don't even consider the possibility of being a bone marrow donor. Many of us, myself included, struggle just with the idea of blood donation - so bone marrow sounds like a step too far; invasive and scary. But lets face it - it probably feels this way to people like me because we have no realistic understanding of the processes involved; and rarely come face to face with the situations facing leukaemia sufferers such as Adrian.

Tonight, I'll be reading Adrian's blog. I encourage you to too.

Chin up Adrian, (and Poppy) and thank you raising this issue up as well as you have; you're an example to us all.

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